October 2024

Are you doing these 12 “marketing” tasks?

If you are like me, you will definitely love
the idea of attracting hordes of visitors to
your websites.

If anyone has ever told you that can get all the
traffic you want WITHOUT lifting your finger,
then you’ve been shamelessly lied to 🙁

Well, here are my 12-Point “check-list” for you
that could make all the difference 🙂

But, before I begin, I urge you to read this
letter till the end and there’s a BIG surprise
waiting for you (hint: a shortcut?)

#1. Make sure your website is promoted
every month! – Continuous Exposure and
search engines will start “liking” your

#2. Do not use “black hat” or “grey hat”
tactics to trick the search engines. You may
get permanently banned from search engines.

#3. Strategically choose the right “mix” of
promotional activities (I’ll tell you more
about this later).

#4. Get One-way “Back-Links” from other
websites to boost Your Search Engine Rankings
and Positioning.

#5. Write 4-5 new and original articles every
month and distribute UNIQUE versions to leading
article directories.
(don’t know how to write? there’s a shortcut!)

#6. Write and distribute Press Release about
your website every month. Search engine robots
are always lurking around these sites.

#7. Try to get “back-links” from other people’s
Blogs and Forums in your niche. Post comments
to Blogs and replies to forum threads.

#8. Start writing content for other Blogs. These
are not just comments but entire ‘Posts’ for
other blogs. Of course, you’ll be allowed to
get a back-link for this effort.

#9. Bookmark every article, blog post, video,
webpage on your site as well as the URLs of other
sites where your content is appearing on all
leading bookmarking sites.

#10. Create your profiles on leading social
networking sites like Squidoo, Hubpages and so on.
Keep them updated with new content every month.

#11. If you are not using VIDEOS, you are leaving
too much on the table. Create promotional videos
about your product, service or website and distribute
to all leading video portals like YouTube, Google etc.

#12. Imagine what it could do for your credibility
and bottom-line if leading “Authority” sites (wiki
sites) display a link to YOUR website? Lurk around
these sites and add your unique content on high
pagerank sites like WetPaint, LittleWiki etc.

Phew!! That’s a lot of “work”… and imagine
you doing all these ‘arduous’ tasks each and
every month!

I don’t want to do this… I guess nobody wants
to break their head either every month.

And, who wants to do all these when I know a
about secret “shortcut”?

Most marketers don’t have enough time, resources
or sometimes the “know-how” to get all these
‘back-breaking’ tasks done.

Well… here’s my “secret” shortcut that I use
regularly to virtually hire a team of professionals
who not only do all these “tasks” for me but they
are the obvious experts. They know what they are

==> http://www.brandgolive.com/550-1-5-6.html

Check this Website Promotion Now

Check them out. Let a team of highly trained
professionals utilize their expertise, resources
and time in promoting YOUR online business.

I urge you to hire a team of pro’s right now
because being a SERVICE that requires raw ‘man-power’
and amazing ‘skills’, they can only have a limited
number of clients at any time.

Hope this helps.

All the best,

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